Peer-Reviewed Research Publications
Bennett, M. R., Charron, C., & Valcke, P. (2023). Stretching a penny: Completing a rapid needs assessment for a nonprofit community-based hospice wellness center in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life Palliative Care.
Charron, C. M., & Singh, S. K. (2023). Is bracketing realistic without reflexivity? A conversation among doctoral students. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping, 28(3), 101-117.
Charron, C. M., & Gorey, K. M. (2022). Virtual versus face-to-face cognitive-behavioural treatment of depression: Meta-analytic test of a noninferiority hypothesis and exploration of men’s experiences. Depression Research and Treatment.
Howes, S. T., Gorey, K. M., & Charron, C. M. (2021). Relative effectiveness of online cognitive behavioural therapy with anxious or depressed young people: Rapid review and meta-analysis. Australian Social Work.
Valenzuela, B. E., Donnelly, E. A., Charron, C. M., & Oehme, K. (2021). EMS and human trafficking: Assessing the impact of training. Prehospital Emergency Care.
Charron, C. M., Valenzuela, B. E., Donnelly, E. A., & Oehme, K. (2020). What do EMS professionals know about human trafficking: Assessing the impact of training. Journal of Human Trafficking.
Erdodi, L. A., Dunn, A., Seke, K., Charron, C., McDermott, A., Enache, A., Maytham, C., & Hurtubise, J. (2018). The boston naming test as a measure of performance validity. Psychological Injury and Law, 11, 1-8.
Erdodi, L. A., Hurtubise, J. L., Charron, C., Dunn, A., Enache, A. McDermott, A., & Hirst, R. (2018). The D-KEFS trails as performance validity tests. Psychological Assessment, 30(8), 1082-1095.
Conference Presentations
Bennett, M., Damianakis, T., Perry, J., Charron, C., Feng, K., Fraser E., & Shi, X. (January, 2023). Jamming for wellness: An innovative and original practice using live music performance in a hospice setting. Poster accepted at the 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Bennett, M., Perry, J., Charron, C., Talbot, D., Feng, K., Fraser, E. & Damianakis, T. (June, 2021). Jamming for wellness: Breaking down social barriers through music performance in a hospice setting. Poster accepted at CASWE-ACFTS 2021 Conference, Virtual event.
Valenzuela, B. E., Donnelly, E. A., Charron, C. M., & Oehme, K. (January, 2021). EMS and human trafficking: Assessing the impact of training. Poster accepted at National Association of Emergency Medical Physicians Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
Grant, J., Charron, C., MacMillan, I. (June, 2020) Responding to student feedback about introductory BSW courses. Presentation accepted at CASWE-ACFTS 2020 Conference, London, ON.
Bennett, M., Damianakis, T., Perry, J., Talbot, D., McConnell, C., Charron, C. (June, 2020). Jamming for wellness: Qualitative exploration of music performance in a hospice setting. Poster accepted at CASWE-ACFTS 2020 Conference, London, ON.
Valenzuela, B. E., Charron, C. M., Donnelly, E. A., & Oehme, K. (March, 2020). A first response: Educating paramedics to identify signs of human trafficking. Poster accepted at University of Windsor’s UWillDiscover Conference, Windsor, ON.
Charron, C. & Dunn, A. (2018, February). The role student partners play in conducting course feedback. Poster presented at Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference, Detroit, Ml.
Sagar, S., Hurtubise, J., Charron, C., Zougari, A., Seke, K., Roth, R. M., & Erdodi, L. A. (February, 2017). Gender and lateral dominance influences likelihood of failure on performance validity tests. Poster presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.
Seke, K., Sagar, S., Charron, C., Zougari, A., Baker, J., Roth, R. M., & Erdodi, L. A. (February, 2017). The stroop test as a measure of performance validity in adults clinically referred for neuropsychological assessment. Poster presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.